Connect the Raspberry PI and pico motherboards using usb.
I read in the pico manual that using a usb connection requires powering the Raspberry PI separately, is that right? (Red circle on the picture)
I see the voron0.2 pdf does not say that this connection also needs to be powered separately.
(And there's no raspberry PI power in the bom)
I also don't see how the Raspberry PI is powered on the voron0.2 pdf?
I have an idea,
Or use usb to connect the pico and Raspberry PI, and connect the uart cable to power the Raspberry PI, is that OK?

I read in the pico manual that using a usb connection requires powering the Raspberry PI separately, is that right? (Red circle on the picture)
I see the voron0.2 pdf does not say that this connection also needs to be powered separately.
(And there's no raspberry PI power in the bom)
I also don't see how the Raspberry PI is powered on the voron0.2 pdf?
I have an idea,
Or use usb to connect the pico and Raspberry PI, and connect the uart cable to power the Raspberry PI, is that OK?