I just finished housing my 250mm Formbot Trident, which should be indicative of the quality of their 2.4 kit. Here's what I changed:
* Replaced AB motors with 1.8° LDO 42STH48-2504AC 's - the Moons' steppers included are fine, the LDOs are for more VROOOM!
* Bed Heater - The included Vivedino branded one looked tiny compared to bed size, I replaced it with a big Keenovo one I bought from Fermio.
* XY endstop PCBs - I went for a CAN board and umbilical, so I used the
Y endstop relocation to the A drive mount (thanks hartk)!
* Inductive Probe - the kit came with something that looks like a genuine Omron probe, but I prefer Klicky, so I built Klicky.
* Extruder - the Bondtech gears in this kit looked fine, but I wanted to try out Orbiter v2, so there's that.
* Hotend - Is anyone using their V6 clones for anything? I feel like they're becoming the Formbot equivalent of BTT's duckies for me.
* Toolhead overall: Well, I went f or Stealthburner, so I sourced the parts required on my own.
* PEI sheet - the included one is a fine sheet of PEI, I seem to have a tradition by now where during my early calibration prints, I manage to misconfigure some form of Z offset and scrape the shape of a calibration cube into the first PEI sheet.
* Exhaust - skipped in favor of an umbilical cable gland mount, I'm waiting on some more 5015s for a Nevermore
* Electronics Bay fans - Yuck! Not even LDO manage to pack fans in their kit that don't sound like a screaming goat. I've already ordered some Noctuas.