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Issues with WiFi/USB file transfer


New member
Printer Model
Voron 2.4.
Cooling Type
Greetings. I come to you in times of great need and advice. You are literally my last hope, before I yeet my VORON through nearest window.

I possess VORON 2.4. 350, fully upgraded with added USB cable (just in case). This bad boi looks awesome and works perfectly. I've done several test prints already with The Cube (because the schematics came with the printer), and so far the results have been absolutely fantastic.

Except for one goddamn problem. I simply cannot transfer files through wireless or USB.

I know for sure my router should detect and connect to my printer (and to Cura - my preferred slicing software), but so far it doesn't even register the IP address. It's like it doesn't even exist! I tried every option I could think of in order to resolve this issue, but the problem still persists to this day. Things went so far that I eventually started to question if my Voron even HAS WiFi option.

"No biggie", I said to myself. "I'll just modify it with USB, and that should be the end of my three-months-long-head-bashing ordeal."


Finally, I took Voron to my local 3D printer specialist. She returned it green accross the board (and with invoice so freaking steep, I could just buy another one, but that's not the issue here). At her place, everything was working great. But when I got it back, things were definitely NOT working great.

Fellas, at this point, I'm losing my mind. Am I missing something? So far, this whole thing has been nothing more than a money sinkhole and a waste of time and space in my workshop. I hate to get rid of it, especially since I already invested so much into it. But on the other hand, I'm so close to punching a wall and paving my way to hell with curse words. This whole thing left me mentally and financially exhausted.

I beseech your aid. Or at least some words of comfort.

Thank you for reading my rant.
So let's back up a little here:
1. usb printing isn't a thing with klipper. there are workarounds, but baseline, klipper prints from its internal storage. and files get into that internal storage over wifi/network.

2. Routers don't connect to printers. printers connect to routers. I realize this sounds like empty semantics, but it is a somewhat important distinction.

With all of that out of the way, how did you attempt to configure the printer to connect to your wifi?

Is a wired connection an option? (even just temporarily, for testing)
I strongly suspect you have a problem with your wifi config on your pi.

So, to sort that out, you need to shove a wpa_supplicant.conf on your SD card in the root directory of such with correct locale and wifi ssid and password.

Follow this guide and I suspect everything will work: https://www.raspberrypi-spy.co.uk/2017/04/manually-setting-up-pi-wifi-using-wpa_supplicant-conf/
There are a number of variations of this process, which is part of why i started out asking clarifying questions, rather than just diving into a guide that may or may not actually apply (mainsailos uses a different file name, btt pi os uses a completely different process, etc, etc)
Apologies for late reply. I was mourning a loss.

Thank you for your suggestions, but it appeared that the problem kinda resolved itself. While tinkering with underbelly of the beast, the printer loosened itself from the clamps, and went tumbling down straight onto the concrete floor. The fact that it's not possible to print on it anymore would be an understatement. But hey, I managed to salvage some spare parts for sale, so at least that's that.

And now you know why the mourning. $1,600 down the drain, and nothing to show for it.

I feel so defeated :(.
Do you have insurance that might pay for it?

For the next time: Connect it via an ethernet cable, just for debugging purposes :) Also you can try to start up the pi without it being connected to the printer, just from your desk. Can make it simpler to set it up, and if everything works add it later on.
Oh noes, that hurts to read :( We can rebuild him, we have the technology!

We sure do, but even if I motivate myself to get to it, the original problem will still persist. And frankly, I don't have it in me anymore to deal with this bag of turds.

Do you have insurance that might pay for it?

For the next time: Connect it via an ethernet cable, just for debugging purposes :) Also you can try to start up the pi without it being connected to the printer, just from your desk. Can make it simpler to set it up, and if everything works add it later on.

No insurance, no refund, nada. Might eventually get a partial refund by selling salvaged parts, but for now I'm seriously contemplating just dumping all onto my local recycling center, and take the L.

Connecting via ethernet - done that, checked all the cables and connections, didn't work. For SOME reason.
Tinkered with pi - done that, all data was checked five times, still didn't work.
Checked my Wi-Fi router - works perfectly, no issues in connectivity with other devices, except ONE (guess which lol)
USB port - to keep it short, tried every possible combination of formats and filenames, .gcode was simply not recognized (yes, I also inserted it before I turned it on)
Other - applied The Catechism of the Autoculus of Mars, and Litany of Ignition; but alas, the machine god was not willing

I believe I was just being sold a lemon and cursed with shady local support. Per my experiences with VORON, I'm not a happy camper :(.

Praise the Omnissiah.
Did you buy it pre assembled? I'm just wondering how you managed to print a cube without having to configure it, which you need a network connection to do so.

For your next project that contains an raspberry pi: You can connect them directly to a monitor and add a keyboard. That way you can see all the network infos :) Good luck
Thanks for the tip :).

The cube schematics were copied directly onto SD card in the midst of assembling for quick print testing.