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Question Layer shifting v2.4 350


Well-known member
Printer Model
V2.4 r2
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
Hello everyone,

I really hope someone can take the time and help me out with this, as many i am at the breaking point and dont know what to look for or do anymore.
I have put so many hours into this allready, honestly thinking about it makes me want to cry, for real. Im broken..

Two weeks ago i swapped to the BFI idlers, and thats when the misery started. I noticed that my belts were a little short for the BFI and since i had allready put quite some hours on them i swapped for new belts. With the belts tensioned to 110hz i can get decent input shaper results. I also used the autospeed macro to determine max speed and accel and it came up with 450mm/s @ 22000 accel. I choose to use 400mm/s and 15k in my printer.cfg. I can do a speed test macro with 100 itterations without any issues.


With these settings i can print good looking things like voron cubes or Orca cubes with reasonable speeds:

However it seems that with either longer (as in print duration), or taller prints i get a real sudden layershift. I have not been able to determine if it is the duration or the height that is causing it to mess up.

What could be causing these issues, and more importantly how do i get rid of it? The whole point of owning a 350size is to do big/tall prints. i know a 350 can be hard to tune to go fast, but 10k travels and infill and 4k perimeters should be fine should it not?

Any additional info i will glady post here, if only someone would help a brother out, as i am feeling that i slowly slipping back into depression over something as "stupid" as a 3dprinter.
What motors and current are they running at and what drivers?

I mean an easy way to know if it is speed is just drop speed and accelerations a little more. Maybe just drop accel to 6000 and test. if that does not work, bump it back to 7K and drop speeds to 350 and test.
Hey NoGuru,

they are LDO-42STH48-2004mah running @ 0.8a on TMC2209 (Octopus v1.1)
I wlll try to print the part i have had issues with so far with the stock Orca V2.4 profile and report back. That should work should it not?
I had a similar problem with my voron build a couple of years ago with the same hardware. I troubleshot it down to a bad 2209 driver. One thing I tried was to switch the driver chips between x and y to see if you shift moves axes.
I had a similar problem with my voron build a couple of years ago with the same hardware. I troubleshot it down to a bad 2209 driver. One thing I tried was to switch the driver chips between x and y to see if you shift moves axes.
Thanks for your input, if i continu to have the shifts i might look into that.
For now, as the issue started with the BFI's I am more inclined to suspect a mechanical issue. I just can't pinpoint it.
Hey NoGuru,

they are LDO-42STH48-2004mah running @ 0.8a on TMC2209 (Octopus v1.1)
I wlll try to print the part i have had issues with so far with the stock Orca V2.4 profile and report back. That should work should it not?
running with the stock Orca v2 profile and my controller fan set to 75% the print still failed, only later on in the print. That could mean that something is rubbing and overheating stuff could it not?
Check the blet routing around the B/A motors. Often people get this wrong and it rubs.
Also like @sundansx mentioned, swapping X and Y drivers to see if it's a bad driver.

How is the cooling across the drivers? A lite breeze can go a long way keeping drivers cool.
Check the blet routing around the B/A motors. Often people get this wrong and it rubs.
Also like @sundansx mentioned, swapping X and Y drivers to see if it's a bad driver.

How is the cooling across the drivers? A lite breeze can go a long way keeping drivers cool.
to be fair is has been pretty warm here over the last couple of weeks. But i never had overheating issues before i used the BFI's. Like i said i upped the cooling and used less aggresive profile. It did seems to get further in the print that way. Maybe it just needs to cool down, and so do i 😁
Honestly i cried a couple of times, just because all that work and no result is giving me anxiety.
Yeah belts look good. I can't imagine it would be with the BFI's. I have never used them but is there a way to adjust belt angle with them?
okay its the same as the Ramala's. I would with the printer off or motors de-energized move the toolhead all around watching the tension idler and see if the belt rides in the middle or goes up or down based on toolhead position. Then do the other side, then go back and check the first side again.
Hope that makes sense.
Don't worry too much about frequency, it is just a general guide. I think I run my belts around 150Hz but I have a 4 motor toolhead.
I had this happen when I changed to new "Gates" belts and they weren't really6 Gates, they were knockoffs and the distance between the teeth on the belts was off by just a little bit. They didn't fit the pulleys perfectly and I just so happened to be looking at the printer when it layer shifted and saw what was happening. Reordered belts from a known good source and everything was fine. May not be your problem but worth a look.
I had this happen when I changed to new "Gates" belts and they weren't really6 Gates, they were knockoffs and the distance between the teeth on the belts was off by just a little bit. They didn't fit the pulleys perfectly and I just so happened to be looking at the printer when it layer shifted and saw what was happening. Reordered belts from a known good source and everything was fine. May not be your problem but worth a look.
Thanks, i do believe mine are non genuine Gates. I have been able to do a couple of prints since. I have to print me some replacement parts first. I have new Z belts coming so when im swapping those out i will keep this and @NoGuru's pointers in mind. Thank you guys!