Colors on the wires are somewhat standardized, red is vcc and black is ground like for normal electronics, the CAN wires are often yellow for high and green for low. Though the 3DO cable has white and green.
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Realistically, as long as you don't mix up the connections, you are fine. Will strongly recommend using the thicker red/black wires for power and ground for their much higher current carrying capacity. Unsure what to do with the earth wire, but I'd be inclined to either not bother with it or attach it to the printer's earth connection.
Here is KB-3D's documentation for wiring CANBus to an EBB36 and a BTT U2C (v1 is same pin out, just no USB ports are on it with CAN transceivers behind it), since you never mentioned what you were connecting back to.
BTT EBB36 CAN Toolhead Board Install Guide
BTT U2C v2.1 CANBus Adapter Install Guide