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Request for Filament Dryer Recommendations


Well-known member
Hi All.

I just bought a Filament Dryer (Creality Space PI Filament Dryer). The % RH display is stuck on 15%, so I'm going to return it. I'm wondering if there is a better dryer out there for me. I think I need the 70 degree C for ASA and I like to be able feed the filament directly from the box. Does anyone have a recommendation for a better Dryer? TIA
I bought this Cabinet on amazon for $90 and it holds about 33 rolls of filament and these Lights for $45 that keep it warmer than ambient. I keep all the little baggies of desacant I get and throw them in there too. Not really sure how well it dries because I never noticed moisture issues with PETG or PLA which is all I print. This could just be because my location and house and whatnots. filament cabinet.jpg
I recently bought the Polymaker Polydryer.

I can have multiple boxes with filament to keep them dry. And then just put those boxes on the dryer. That I like :) Also because my printer is inside a closet, this allows me to easily swap it out.
The loud beeping when you turn it on is annoying.
I bought a food dryer which is round in shape and has 9 trays each 3cm high. I modified it so it is basically a tall silo inside which I can stack rolls of up to 2.5 kg flat on top of each other. It reaches 70 degrees in summer but in winter it is a bit lower. However it does what I want and I generally run it a day before I know I am going to use a filament that is either old or is especially hygroscopic. My nylon never gives me any trouble since I bought this food dryer some years ago.
It is a Rohnson R291 and costed me about 50 euro if I recall correctly. It fits 6 small rolls, 4 normal rolls and three large rolls at one time. You cannot feed the filament from it but in my situation I do not need to.