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start Gcode looping HELP PLEASE

snow 3dp

Active member
what is the issue here? i have been chasing my tail For days with start Gcode. the hotend heats to 260C from slicer settings instead of straight to 150c then it cools to 150c for tap it then homes, QGL, heaters off, QGL, home, QBL, Error

"Extrude below minimum temp
See the 'min_extrude_temp' config option for details" what would cause it to loop?

Voron 2.4 R2
Manta M8P V2
SB2209 CAN

## Uncomment for for your size printer:
## Uncomment for 250mm build
#G0 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600

## Uncomment for 300 build
#G0 X150 Y150 Z30 F3600

## Uncomment for 350mm build
#G0 X175 Y175 Z30 F3600

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
# Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customise for your slicer of choice
G32 ; home all axes
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 Z20 F3000 ; move nozzle away from bed
I tried that start Gcode and same thing in terms of the start routine looping. i can live with the hotend heating to full temp then cooling down to 150. but the looping issue not so much. this morning I commented out the entire G32 QGL start Gcode and manually homed and ran QGL and it started and ran perfectly. So question is what would cause those short lines of code to loop and error out?
Did you follow all the instructions for setting it up properly in the slicer?
Hmm. Seems right. You'll have to post a klippy log, and an example gcode file then, so we can get to the bottom of this
Great. Now just add an example of your gcode, and I'll have a dig

at the moment all G32 homing and QGL Gcode are commented out. let me know if you need anything else i will see what i can do

# Macros

#[gcode_macro G32]
# G90
# G28
# G28
## Uncomment for for your size printer:
## Uncomment for 250mm build
#G0 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600

## Uncomment for 300 build
#G0 X150 Y150 Z30 F3600

## Uncomment for 350mm build
# G0 X175 Y175 Z30 F3600

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
# Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customise for your slicer of choice
G32 ; home all axes
G90 ; absolute positioning
G1 Z20 F3000 ; move nozzle away from bed



M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
print_start EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature]


M190 S[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single]
M109 S[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer]
PRINT_START EXTRUDER=[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] BED=[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single]
M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
print_start EXTRUDER=[first_layer_temperature] BED=[first_layer_bed_temperature]
No, like, I want to see the actual file the slicer spits out, so I can see exactly what commands are coming from the slicer side of things
alright. So. first things first: in the actual gcode file, what I see is:
M73 P0 R24
M190 S55
M109 S220
M104 S0 ; Stops OrcaSlicer from sending temp waits separately
M140 S0
print_start EXTRUDER=220 BED=55

So there are a couple of interesting things about that:
1. why is it setting temperatures *first*?
2. why is it calling PRINT_START *TWICE*?

These are, ultimately, orcaslicer questions.

and, looking back at your earlier post, I think the answer is right there.
In your custom gcode settings, you should ONLY HAVE the last 3 lines, as provided by the better print start instructions. It looks like you added lines, without deleting the lines that were already in the box, so you're getting the cumulative effect of all those lines.

Ultimately, the whole "looping" thing appears to boil down to "you asked for the macro to run twice, so the macro did run twice"

Does that help?
well i got the looping issue handled... thank you AGAIN! but now with the better start gcode i get a status heating error so i tried just a simple start gcode and it homes, QGL and errors with extruder temp to low and shuts the heaters off. would that be an issue with my start gcode in the slicer settings?
you will never get a simple start code to work well with tap. The "probing at low temperatures" requirement is just too alien to the way the slicer wants things to go. (I'm being unfair. it's absolutely possible, but better print start is far easier) Focus on getting better print start working. Tell me *exactly* what's happening when you try to use better print start?
i ordered klicky probe and a hartk sexbolt kit they should be here Nov 6th. so heres the question should i put more time into Tap just to get the experience or should i just wait until i get klicky? i was always planning on going the klicky route because i never did like the thought of the toolhead moving
so i got everything working pretty well other then the temp on the extruder going straight to full temp then to 150c for tap. i will look into that further when i get some time. thank you for all your help i owe you a proverbial beer.