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Voron Tap start gcode looping among other things

snow 3dp

Active member
Printer Model
Voron 2.4 R2
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
HELP PLEASE!! start print seems to be looping. it will heat hotend, cool hotend, home, QGL , home, wait and start again then it will print. i have been chasing my tail for about 2 weeks with the start gcode and tried every start gcode i could find. I'm still learning how to understand it all but i feel like I'm going crazy. Some explicit instruction and or somones working comfig i can study would be great. Talk to me like im 5 years old. Also i cant get my Z-offset to save nor my extruder pid tune. Thanks in advance

Orca slicer
Voron 2.4 R2 350
Manta M8p

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I find that taking everything back to the basics and going from there has been immensely useful:

[gcode_macro G32]
    ##  Uncomment for for your size printer:
    ##  Uncomment for 250mm build
    #G0 X125 Y125 Z30 F3600
    ##  Uncomment for 300 build
    #G0 X150 Y150 Z30 F3600
    ##  Uncomment for 350mm build
    #G0 X175 Y175 Z30 F3600

[gcode_macro PRINT_START]
#   Use PRINT_START for the slicer starting script - please customise for your slicer of choice
    G32                            ; home all axes
    G90                            ; absolute positioning
    G1 Z20 F3000                   ; move nozzle away from bed
I originally started with a simple start gcode but kept getting hotend and verious other errors and a search for said errors yielded no results my simple mind could understand. With the example you gave do i need to change anything specific other then my printer size in combination with my slicer start gcode? Also any idea what would cause the start to loop multiple times? As far as I can tell i don't see any duplicate code
so no errors to start but the printer heated to 260C from slicer settings then to 150c for tap it then homed, QGL, heaters off, QGL, home, QBL, Error "Extrude below minimum temp
See the 'min_extrude_temp' config option for details" what would cause it to loop?
So the start script I provided was the default in my LDO Leviathan's printer config. That's *not* what I actually use, but it's about as basic as it gets.

The first part of the gcode calls G32 (which is the macro defined above the PRINT_START macro). G32 is basically a full homing call, then QGL, and positions the toolhead to the center of the build plate (after uncommenting the appropriate section for your build size). So it will set the XY to 150,150. Then raise the toolhead 30mm off the bed.

It sounds like you might have something in your slicer's printer profile:

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This morning I commented out the G32 gcode manually homed and QGL and other then first heating to 260c it started and ran great so 8 believe it's an issue with the G32 commands or a combination of slicer gcode and G32