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Voron Cube Warble on Faces?

Printer Model
Voron 2.4r2
Extruder Type
Cooling Type
I ramped up my speed and acceleration to 350mm/sec and 6700mm/sec^2 (based on input shaping results). And things seemed to be printing surprisingly well. Simple stand-offs and parts were looking good and printing much faster. Then I decided to print a Voron cube to further calibrate it... It's the darker red one here. Yikes.

Dimensions are nearly perfect. Top and bottom look pretty good. Interior circle and logos look fair to good (on the inside at least). Bridge in the middle looks good. It is structurally very sound... They are hard to damage with a hammer. But... Holy cow some of the faces are deformed.

I backed off speed and acceleration several times, and it basically didn't improve. I was burning through the color I like, so switched to an ugly off-orange to continue... First orange cube was the same and confirmed that the change in color did not impact the issue.

The better looking orange cube here is what I got while printed at default Voron 0.8mm Extra Fine... It is much better, but still shows at least the tendency to have this problem. It is easier felt than seen, but it is there.

Can anyone point me to the most likely set of calibrations I need to run? The weird thing is that it prints other geometric shapes pretty well, though I haven't printed anything with the kind of logo geometry the cube throws at it.

PA is way off on the left one as well as the deformation. The right one is over extruding.

A few things we need to help evaluate.
What slicer and settings are you using?
Can we see the input shaper graphs and what speeds to decided to use?
Are you using default kilpper input shaper or ShakenTune?
What printer size? What extruder, hotend and nozzle?
Do you use as standard voron parts, or parts suitable for higher belt tension or 9 mm belts?
Did you do IS tuning? And PA tuning for given nozzle size, outside perimeter speeds and accels?
You may jest be printing fast for what your machine is capable to do right now.

The leftn one has PA way off, looks to be too low. The right one looks either over extruding, or extrusion system not keeping up with your speeds.

I am not sure what you mean by default voron 0.8 mm extra fine, the default profile is with 0.4 mm nozzle, 0.2 mm extrusion width.
This is resolved. Exact causes of the problems are unknown because the fix involved starting over from default Orca Voron and filament profiles. My best guess is that the problems were primarily a combination of too high acceleration with high filament temp and possibly other undetermined factors.

Full Story:
This was for a Voron 2.4 @ 350mm, Galilio 2 + Stealthburner with Phaetus Rapido HF (w/included 0.4 nozzle), default Klipper input shaper, standard Voron parts, except as necessary to support Galilio, CANBUS, CNC Tap. I was using Orca Slicer. When I referred to "the default Voron 0.08mm Extra Fine", I was talking about the built-in Orca profile of that name (0.08 layer height, tuned for quality over speed in theory).

For the warbly mess, Input shaper(IS) had been run. Pressure Advance(PA) and Max Flow rate had been tuned via the built-in Orca-slicer calibration prints. On the redo that corrected it, PA and Max Flow results came out very similar so I don't think they were part of the problem. I didn't figure out how to get the IS graph out of the system until the second go around, so I'm not sure if something went wrong the first time I ran that. Klipper offered to save the first time, but I don't know what it was saving.

The fix that worked was to go back to that "Voron 0.08mm Extra Fine" built-in Orca profile. Then, increase layer height to 0.2 and increase the speeds an accelerations for everything except bridging by an equal percent of their original values."Inner Wall" speed is now 400mm/sec, and "Normal Printing" acceleration is now 6700 mm/sec^3.