I've just finished building my 0.1-S1 from LDO. Awesome kit, I had a lot of fun building and just as much fun picking out future mods and adjustments! I have already moved my unit towards being more of a 0.2 when I started to think... what improvements would I like to see to these kits? Personally, the two big ones I would love to see are:
- Auto Bed levelling for pretty obvious reasons
- A fixed print bed much like Prusa and Bambu as I believe bed springs are a bit of a step back in terms of reliability and sustainability as well as a possible weak point in terms of quality due to fast speeds may cause the tensioning nuts to loosen after several prints.
What are your thoughts? What quality of life improvements would you like to see in a newer design of this small yet mighty design!?
Congrats on the new printer!
my 2c, having build arguably ~8 V0s or variants: ABL would add cost and complexity, and I think the V0.2 is in a sweet spot now; it can't really get cheaper without a meaningful compromise, and making it more expensive by default wouldn't necessarily be the right choice. That's a compliment to Nemgrea and the Voron team. Some of the fastest printers in the world are V0s; it's a good platform.
But, if you want features like ABL, you can get them on your V0.
You should check out 3dprintersforants.com and hang out on the DoomCube Discord, where many Printers for Ants projects live.
Lots of ways to never touch a bed spring or knob again!
Tri-Zero is my preference, as it uses motors you probably have lying around for Z, and aims to be the lowest-cost, fastest path to ABL for V0s.