Well-known member
For my case lightning with 42 Neopixels I use FAN output on 5v for power and PB6 for data, works great.Daylight starting sets my case light (daylight on a stick) 24v leds to a certain brightness. They are separate from the Disco stick XXL I'm trying to get to work.
I did some further testing and it has something to do with the output pins I'm trying to 'hijack' on the board. I wired the disco stick to the neopixel slot and it works great. No issues. But I lose my bed LED that I have wired up to show the bed temp reflected as LED color. Seems like no matter what other pin I use on the BTT Octopus it doesn't want to work. When I use the EXP1 pins or TFT pins (both 5v for the bed led now it goes to the wrong colors). I'm thinking for my wiring I need a second neopixel slot.
Klipper expander perhaps?