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Mainsail Error "TMC2209 stepper driver: Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper x' register IFCNT"


This is my first Voron and while trying to run a home command in mainsail this is what repeatedly comes up. I am very frustrated as how I can't find a definite answer. All of the steppers give the same result. Can anyone help with this problem?

Try swapping the stepper motor driver from Extruder with x or swapping a motor A cable with B and see if the message is different
klipper config reference says:

I keep getting "Unable to read tmc uart 'stepper_x' register IFCNT" errors?

This occurs when Klipper is unable to communicate with a tmc2208 ortmc2209 driver.

Make sure that the motor power is enabled, as the stepper motor drivergenerally needs motor power before it can communicate with themicro-controller.

If this error occurs after flashing Klipper for the first time, thenthe stepper driver may have been previously programmed in a state thatis not compatible with Klipper. To reset the state, remove all powerfrom the printer for several seconds (physically unplug both USB andpower plugs).

Otherwise, this error is typically the result of incorrect UART pinwiring or an incorrect Klipper configuration of the UART pin settings.

So if you have checked pins and jumpers how is your mcu connected to power?
I wanted to rule out that the TMC driver is broken
Try if due from exdruder to y with the command
and so forthand to the shot with stepper_x
Post what kind of board you have and your config
I wanted to rule out that the TMC driver is broken
Try if due from exdruder to y with the command
and so forthand to the shot with stepper_x
Post what kind of board you have and your config
the commands came out with and error.


Some MCUs have different power inputs for the first two motors, because they could use up to 48V. There needs to be a jumper or connector to set them on the normal motor power input.
Some MCUs have different power inputs for the first two motors, because they could use up to 48V. There needs to be a jumper or connector to set them on the normal motor power input.
how would I know if I did? i am using a BTT Octopus v1.1
how would I know if I did? i am using a BTT Octopus v1.1

Page 18 of 27 will show you the power config for your board. Motor Power can be powered separately if you were going to run a higher voltage to them, but I'd image you're just running the normal 24v to them. You just need to make sure you have power wired to "motor power" as well as "power".
Page 18 of 27 will show you the power config for your board. Motor Power can be powered separately if you were going to run a higher voltage to them, but I'd image you're just running the normal 24v to them. You just need to make sure you have power wired to "motor power" as well as "power".
Yes i got it to work now! I noticed that when following the Voron manual it actually did it incorrectly (at least for me somehow someway)! Or maybe it could've been the Formbot Kit. Well anyways, I watched a video 3DPRINTERSCHOOL did on the wiring and now it works! The manual said to connect positive "motor power" with positive "bed power" and the negatives as well. However, that means there was still no power going from the PSU to "motor power" and "bed power". Also the bed does't even need power through the motherboard since it is already connected in other ways. So in conclusion idk if Voron messed up or whether it was my specific kit etc. But all that matters is that it's fixed! I litterally have spent 10 hours on this 1 problem!
I can't speak for what manual your formbot kit came with or where you saw the incorrect wiring, but the official manual on github has the correct motor wiring on page 192 (and bed wiring starts on page 184). I'd recommend referencing the manual and files on the official github so you have the latest information and updates (if necessary).

I'm glad you got it working. Happy printing!!