And I can bet you that RCF regrets setting a definite date for the release. This is a hobby, everyone involved is spending their spare time on it that could be spent with other things like their own families, and in the end all the design files are going to be released free of charge.RCF said it was going to release last YEAR. I don't understand why everyone gets so bent out of shape when LITERALLY, ALL people are asking for, is AN update. Not the release date, just. "Hey, this is official, we're still working on this, it still exists, here's where we are at. Waiting on parts, we've got about 20 pages left of the manual, Hoping by summer." THE END. But no one wants to appease the community. I'm sorry, Soon TM isn't acceptable. I love the Voron project and everything RCF has done, but I'm not drinking that kool-aid. 2 min announcement pin on discord from ANY member that RCF approves to post updates isn't a big ask.
I fully understand your frustration, but complaining about it won't help anything going faster.