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Some questions about my Voron 2.4 Siboor configuration

Printer Model
Vopon 2.4
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
Hello all!
I recently in 3d print, and immediately fell in love with Voron 2.4
Ordered it from China from seller Siboor. Included I received Stepperonline 17hs19-2004s1, Stealthburner, Voron TAP motors, Opi3lts and Spider 2.3 boards
Despite my small experience, I managed to successfully assemble it and launch it. I keep improving it by adding nice little things in the form of nozzle scrub, adaptive bed mesh, and more. But in the process of work, I periodically have mistakes and problems.
So, having increased the number of microsteps from 16 to 128 - I received less ripples on the walls of the parts, but the motors began to miss steps and spoil the parts. I also can't set the Stealthburner backlight to switch beautifully for different printer tasks. I searched for different pieces of code and embedded it in my .cfg files.
If someone who understands can help me with fixing errors in my .cfg and tells me how to set up correctly, I will be very grateful.
I'm not asking to do a job for me, but I'm already at boiling point now. Any edits I will study and learn from, I want to understand how it works, where I was wrong, and how to act correctly.
Thank you in advance for any help! 🙏🏻


Еще меня интересует, начинают ли при нагреве станины немного вращаться вентиляторы печатающей головки. И даже если обдув модели установлен на 0%, вентилятор обдува модели все равно работает во время работы принтера.
Looking at the config you posted has 32 steps for A/B motors. Asking 128 steps from them can be too much, even though it looks nice, the hardware limit is probably closer to 64 steps.
Missed steps, something to try

In printer.cfg --> [printer] the max_velocity is set to 300 so you can go up to 300 mm/s in x and y direction.

In tmc.cfg --> [tmc2209 stepper_x] and [tmc2209 stepper_y] sections, "stealthchop_threshold" is set to 200.
This means that when moving in x or y direction slower than 200 mm/s, then stealthchop is enabled.
And when moving 200 mm/s or faster, then spreadcycle is enabled.

The klipper docs say: "Unfortunately, the drivers often produce poor and confusing results if the mode changes while the motor is at a non-zero velocity."
More info: https://www.klipper3d.org/TMC_Drivers.html?h=stealth#setting-spreadcycle-vs-stealthchop-mode

You could try with one or the other:
stealthchop_threshold: 0       #*** Spreadcycle only, stealthchop disabled
stealthchop_threshold: 999999  #*** Stealthchop only, no spreadcycle

Or you can try my settings. This is from my [tmc2209 stepper_x] and [tmc2209 stepper_y] sections.
Done to get rid of the spreadcycle noise when the printer is idle.
It makes the printer use the more powerful but noisy spreadcycle mode whenever it's moving in x or y direction, and then switch to silent stealthchop when idle.
stealthchop_threshold: 0.1     #*** Spreadcycle when moving, stealthchop when idle. To reduce noise at idle.

Under normal circumstances the printer is never commanded to move at speeds slower than 0.1 mm/s, unless "square_corner_velocity" is set to 0 or similar. So you should be safe. At least I haven't noticed any drawbacks, my prints come out beautiful and the printer is completely silent when idle.

For the z motors I use "stealthchop_threshold: 999999", so they are always silent.
Пропущенные шаги, что-то попробовать

В файле printer.cfg --> [printer] для параметра max_velocity установлено значение 300, поэтому вы можете увеличить скорость до 300 мм/с по осям x и y.

В секциях tmc.cfg --> [tmc2209 stepper_x] и [tmc2209 stepper_y] для параметра "stealthchop_threshold" установлено значение 200.
Это означает, что при движении в направлении x или y медленнее, чем 200 мм/с, включается скрытность.
А при движении со скоростью 200 мм/с или быстрее включается цикл расширения.

В документах klipper говорится: «К сожалению, драйверы часто дают плохие и запутанные результаты, если режим изменяется, когда двигатель находится на ненулевой скорости».
Дополнительная информация: https://www.klipper3d.org/TMC_Drivers.html?h=stealth#setting-spreadcycle-vs-stealthchop-mode .

Вы можете попробовать с одним или другим:
stealthchop_threshold: 0 #*** Только цикл спреда, скрытая отбивка отключена
Stealthchop_threshold: 999999 #*** Только Stealthchop, без цикла расширения

Или вы можете попробовать мои настройки. Это из моих разделов [tmc2209 stepper_x] и [tmc2209 stepper_y].
Сделано, чтобы избавиться от шума цикла расширения, когда принтер находится в режиме ожидания.
Это заставляет принтер использовать более мощный, но шумный режим цикла распространения всякий раз, когда он движется в направлении x или y, а затем переключаться в бесшумный режим скрытности при простое.
[КОД]stealthchop_threshold: 0.1 #*** Цикл распространения при движении, скрытное отсечение при бездействии. Для снижения шума на холостом ходу.[/CODE]

В нормальных условиях принтеру никогда не подается команда двигаться со скоростью медленнее 0,1 мм/с, если только для параметра «square_corner_velocity» не установлено значение 0 или подобное. Так что вы должны быть в безопасности. По крайней мере недостатков я не заметил, у меня отпечатки получаются красивые, а в простое принтер вообще молчит.

Для двигателей z я использую "stealthchop_threshold: 999999", поэтому они всегда молчат.
In fact, the noise of the motors does not bother me (although in noisy mode I have not heard them yet). But yes, errors could occur due to mode switching. I will take your advice and try different modes for the test.
Are the run_current parameters set correctly for my engines (0.9 for XY, 0.7 for Z)?
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I did not know about the Stealthcop_threshold: 0.1 setting. Thanks Indeed!
With this setup, Klipper began to reboot when printing without even finishing the first layer (
Commented "stealthcop_threshold" and everything worked. Noise from motors with printer doors closed does not bother.
With this setup, Klipper began to reboot when printing without even finishing the first layer (
Commented "stealthcop_threshold" and everything worked. Noise from motors with printer doors closed does not bother.

Hmm... I wonder why.
I have used "stealthchop_threshold: 0.1" for the xy drivers for many months without any hiccups.
If someone else also tried it and had issues, please let me know. @NoGuru perhaps?
Because if it's common with problems related to the 0.1 setting I shouldn't suggest it.

In any case, commenting out "stealthchop_threshold" has the same effect as "stealthchop_threshold: 0".
Spreadcycle only, no stealthchop. So that's good.
Hmm... I wonder why.
I have used "stealthchop_threshold: 0.1" for the xy drivers for many months without any hiccups.
If someone else also tried it and had issues, please let me know. @NoGuru perhaps?
Because if it's common with problems related to the 0.1 setting I shouldn't suggest it.

In any case, commenting out "stealthchop_threshold" has the same effect as "stealthchop_threshold: 0".
Spreadcycle only, no stealthchop. So that's good.
I will be sure to test later this week and report my findings.
More questions regarding the work of voron 2.4
1. When the printer is turned on, a constant small sound is heard from the hotend fan. The squeak frequency changes slightly at the time of changing the color of the backlight of the printing head, or if you manually rotate the fan;
2. When you turn on bed heating, both fans start slow working on the printing head - is this normal behavior?
3. The model blowing fan always starts slow rotating with the hotend blowing fan, even if the blowing speed is set to 0%. Is that normal behaviour?
I am not sure about 1. but for 2. yes, this can be normal. I have this setup on mine as well to help heat the chamber.
And as for 3, that seems strange, they should be separate but maybe in your config it states if the hotend fan turns on turn the part cooling to 10% or something.
Hmm... I wonder why.
I have used "stealthchop_threshold: 0.1" for the xy drivers for many months without any hiccups.
If someone else also tried it and had issues, please let me know. @NoGuru perhaps?
Because if it's common with problems related to the 0.1 setting I shouldn't suggest it.

In any case, commenting out "stealthchop_threshold" has the same effect as "stealthchop_threshold: 0".
Spreadcycle only, no stealthchop. So that's good.
I just did a short test print of about 20 minutes with 0.1 Stealthchop and it was good.
So I think I am going to leave it for now and just keep an eye on it over the next few weeks.
I am not sure about 1. but for 2. yes, this can be normal. I have this setup on mine as well to help heat the chamber.
And as for 3, that seems strange, they should be separate but maybe in your config it states if the hotend fan turns on turn the part cooling to 10% or something.
I managed to solve all three problems. It was about the voltage jumpers and the Voron Tap installed. For hotend fan and model blowing fan, the voltage was set at 12 volts instead of 24v. I also set a voltage of 5v for Voron Tap (it was 24 volts).
I'm very happy that nothing burned while I used a Voron Tap at 24v instead of 5v. But even a bad experience would be helpful.
Can't figure out how I can connect rgbw tape case lighting to my Fysetc spider 2.3? I ordered the ws2812b 5v 3pin tape. I already have Stealthburner installed with my own neopixel and the pin is PD3 busy.
I can't understand where to connect the tape, please help me 🙏🏻
Can't figure out how I can connect rgbw tape case lighting to my Fysetc spider 2.3? I ordered the ws2812b 5v 3pin tape. I already have Stealthburner installed with my own neopixel and the pin is PD3 busy.
I can't understand where to connect the tape, please help me 🙏🏻
You can use BLtouch pin to control LEDs. But take power for those from your 5V PSU instead of from BLtouch port, those LEDs may be power hungry and single port on MCU may not be able to handle them.
Do you take just the power from there, or do you use signal pin as well? Either way, you can take a look at additional LED controllers. For example Klipper Expander board has RGB port and installs as another MCU. Or look at WLED controller, Moonraker has support for WLED.