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Z Endstop Triggered

Printer Model
Extruder Type
Clockwork 2
Cooling Type
I am building my first printer a Switchwire. I can not get it to home. Checked the endstops on the Machine page of Mainsail. Endstop Z is triggered. I am using BLtouch, which I reset. Have been searching all day to remedy this problem.
Already checked and tested the the probe. Tests fine. Disconnected the bltouch, same problem. Getting same endstop error and extruder moves to the top of the frame to the left when homed Doesn't that indicate that the problem is not the bltouch.
Already checked and tested the the probe. Tests fine. Disconnected the bltouch, same problem. Getting same endstop error and extruder moves to the top of the frame to the left when homed Doesn't that indicate that the problem is not the bltouch.

Moving in the wrong directions when moving usually means needing to alter stepper directions or swapping motor connections. See here for a way to confirm directions using stepper buzz https://docs.vorondesign.com/build/startup/#stepper-motor-check

I would also suggest sharing your printer config and possibly a video of homing attempt.
I have already run those tests. All axis checkout fine. I am attaching my printer.cfg file.


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I have already run those tests. All axis checkout fine. I am attaching my printer.cfg file.
How can you have checked the BLTouch probe works using the steps described in Klipper docs, when your printer config doesn't even have a probe or bltouch section?

You have to define support for your bltouch in your config. Please re-read this page again and update the config: https://www.klipper3d.org/BLTouch.html#bl-touch

I've no idea where you have mounted your BLTouch, using one isn't normally a thing on these printers, but it should work in theory. But you also have no safe z homing or homing override defined in your printer config (only commented out ones) - so with neither of those, and no defined bltouch section, the printer has no idea how to home or how to probe.

Also, your z axis has a position min of 1 , that can't be correct - you wouldn't be able to move the nozzle to 0 to actually print when the time comes. Is there a reason for setting it to 1?

Your X endstop is configured to be at position 20. That can't be accurate - you'd be unable to move < 20 if there was an endstop there. The Switchwire has the x endstop on the carriage, and homes by moving towards x max , to the right, So position of the x endstop will be the same as your max x size.
Sorry sent the wrong printer.cfg file. Please see attached.

step_pin: PB0
dir_pin: PC5
enable_pin: !PB1
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 40
endstop_pin: ^PC2
homing_speed: 30
position_endstop: 2.85
position_min: 1
position_max: 250
I don't understand what's going on here, why do you have an endstop configured using PC2 pin in addition to the BLTouch ?

If you are trying to use the BLTouch to home Z, that incorrect end stop config would explain a permanently triggered probe, as nothing is connected there. You still need to configure it properly for homing, which is explained in this section here: https://www.klipper3d.org/BLTouch.html#connecting-bl-touch
Invalid pin description '^PC14'
Format is: [chip_name:] pin_name

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART"
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

I can not see what is wrong with this name.


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    18.4 KB · Views: 2
Invalid pin description '^PC14'
Format is: [chip_name:] pin_name

Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "RESTART"
command to reload the config and restart the host software.
Printer is halted

I can not see what is wrong with this name.
One issue is you've accidentally deleted the [bltouch] section name where you have the bltouch config values, that might be the problem.
In desperation I thought that maybe the motor wires were reversed, so I changed them : All axis are now open, but extruder still moves to the upper lefthand corner. Now getting an error :
No trigger on y after full movement. New printer.conf.txt attached.


  • printer.cfg.txt
    18.4 KB · Views: 1
In desperation I thought that maybe the motor wires were reversed, so I changed them : All axis are now open, but extruder still moves to the upper lefthand corner. Now getting an error :
No trigger on y after full movement. New printer.conf.txt attached.

If you've changed something relating to the motors, please re-do the checks for direction as described in the startup guide, the easiest way is using the stepper buzz test as documented here:

Try homing x and y on their own first.

More worryingly, how did you get these settings for X ? why would end stop be set to 20 when the min is 15 ? it should match the max, in a typical setup.
position_endstop: 20
position_max: 235
position_min: 15
homing_speed: 30
These y end stop settings make no sense, how did you end up with these?

position_endstop: 15
position_max: 235
position_min: 10
homing_speed: 30
#homing_retract_dist: 0
homing_positive_dir: true

How can you have the Y min be 10, and end stop at 15 , but also home in a positive direction? Your end stops should be at the min or max point, depending on how you have the switch positioned. not somewhere in between. The default behaviour on a Switchwire is both X and Y switch is hit when the tool head and bed are at the maximum point of their travel, so you'd have the end stops at the max position, not some random position like 15 or 20.

If you'd like an example , see the offical configs here: https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-Switchwire/tree/master/Firmware
If you've changed something relating to the motors, please re-do the checks for direction as described in the startup guide, the easiest way is using the stepper buzz test as documented here:

Try homing x and y on their own first.

More worryingly, how did you get these settings for X ? why would end stop be set to 20 when the min is 15 ? it should match the max, in a typical setup.

These y end stop settings make no sense, how did you end up with these?

How can you have the Y min be 10, and end stop at 15 , but also home in a positive direction? Your end stops should be at the min or max point, depending on how you have the switch positioned. not somewhere in between. The default behaviour on a Switchwire is both X and Y switch is hit when the tool head and bed are at the maximum point of their travel, so you'd have the end stops at the max position, not some random position like 15 or 20.

If you'd like an example , see the offical configs here: https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-Switchwire/tree/master/Firmware
Making progress. X homes , Stepper test y: y stepper y cannot be found, Z passes stepper test. Checked the pin setting for y .Checked ok. checked that y cable is connected at both ends, ok. Y was working a few days ago. Changed the printer.cfg back to github sample. Only changes made were run current, which I calculated by 1.5 AMP BY .707. Changed Z endstop to virtual. I started out with github sample, but tried to add sensorless homing. Did not work. Took the printer to a friend's house. He has never built a Voron, but owns a couple of 2.4s. He said it worked. He made many changes to the printer.cfg file. Did not work at my home. I read all the documentation a few weeks ago , before you recommended it. Some things were not clear, so I started making changes to the printer.cfg file hoping to get it to work.


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Making progress. X homes , Stepper test y: y stepper y cannot be found, Z passes stepper test. Checked the pin setting for y .Checked ok. checked that y cable is connected at both ends, ok. Y was working a few days ago. Changed the printer.cfg back to github sample. Only changes made were run current, which I calculated by 1.5 AMP BY .707. Changed Z endstop to virtual. I started out with github sample, but tried to add sensorless homing. Did not work. Took the printer to a friend's house. He has never built a Voron, but owns a couple of 2.4s. He said it worked. He made many changes to the printer.cfg file. Did not work at my home. I read all the documentation a few weeks ago , before you recommended it. Some things were not clear, so I started making changes to the printer.cfg file hoping to get it to work.

Why have you changed the Z rotation distance to 8? That's not how its in the Switchwire config, or in your previous config - It used to be set correctly. Where did this change come from?

rotation_distance: 8

The rotation distance should match the x stepper for corexz - both should be 40.
Thanks, made the change. X Y are now homing, but when I try to home z , the extruder moves to far right , closing the x endstop switch. The extruder then moves up and does not stop.


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