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3D Printer stringing on one side, causing blobs, then falling off


Hi, I have a Voron 2.4 and recently all of a sudden it starts producing this rough surface on the side opposite to the glass panel (it looks like stringing, but I'm a beginner so not quite sure), then after a while it magically causes this big blob where the Stealthburner extruder gets stuck, and drags the print off the print bed.
So far, I have tried:
- Turning down the print speed
- Decreasing nozzle temperature
- Turning on a big cooling fan to the side that has the stringing

I have also noticed that the adaptive cubic infill pattern isn't looking as it should be.
Photo on 2025-03-09 at 3.28 PM #2.jpg

All of this happened when I switched from ABS to PETG.
Any help will be highly appreciated.
PETG is one of the more blob-inducing filaments. If the issue is still there after drying, it might be the nature of the polymer. (I have recently been trying to use up a couple of rolls of Hatchbox ABS, which has an oddly low temperature for an ABS... Dry as a bone, it has been blobbing up on my nozzle, and my first thought was "So that's why the temp is so low. It must be 40% PETG.")