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Availability of Minimal/Basic/Stripped-Down Voron Zero Kits?


Well-known member
Quick Question:
Does anyone sell a no-frills baseline Voron Zero kit that is *not* comprehensive with all of the options?

For the 2.4 kits, you can buy them without hotends, without raspberry pis, without acrylic panels, etc., and use those kits as the foundation for whatever build you have in mind. But I don't see any similar offerings for the Zero. Even the cheapest kits on the market (the $380 FYSETC and FORMBOT kits) come complete with everything minus the printed parts.

I looked into self-sourcing, but the cost, even for a non-functional mechanical skeleton without electronics, quickly climbs above that of the cheaper comprehensive kits.

Thanks in advance
IMHO, buy the kit with the correct base features then sell off the parts you don't want.

You can also try and work out a deal with the retailers to with-hold parts for a discount. I purchased my 2.4 without the mainboard from Fysetc with a discount.

But I wanted to do CAN and none of the kits had that when I purchased it. So I just have to suck up the cost of the harness, drag chain, etc. and buy my own boards.
The situation with kits is that manufacturers are trying to differentiate themselves by offering some added value, when they do not want or cannot go lower with price. Hence various "pro" or "plus" kits cropping up now. Which are just usually stock kits, with bunch of popular mods and upgrades added. Like touchscreen, toolhead PCB or CAN board, extra components for popular mods. V0 is relatively cheap enough. I personally would go with for example Formbot kit and replace or upgrade parts I want. Mostly X rail, bearings, add a bunch of fasteners, hotend and extruder will be up to my choice and unused parts can be sold, used to upgrade other printer or stored in drawer as a backup.
Quick Question:
Does anyone sell a no-frills baseline Voron Zero kit that is *not* comprehensive with all of the options?
I asked customer service at the Formbot store. If you order from China, they will pull parts from the kits and credit you the (Chinese) retail price. For example, they would sell a V2.4 kit with no Octopus board and refund $38. They said just state in the "remarks" section of the order that some parts not be included. But do contact them first.

But the catch is the shipping, They charge more than $38 difference in shipping. (They claim free shipping but the prices are different based on where both you and the warehouse are located.)
or upgrade parts I want. Mostly X rail, bearings, add a bunch of fasteners, hotend and extruder will be up to my choice and unused parts can be sold, used to upgrade other printer or stored in drawer as a backup.

I just got a Formbot kit two days ago. The X-rail is very good. It comes with a Z1 preload. You have to spend a lot to get a better one. But maybe you just want a larger one? Formbot offered the a range of "name brand" hotends too. And now they don't include the V6 if you order an upgrade, and the price of the upgrades is lower now too (because you are not gitting two howends.).

I noticed ther box has Chinese hand writing done with a marker pen on it saying how it was customized. Mine said "standard, american, dragon". or so I was told. And inside I found an Americal power cable and dragon hotend. I paid $40 extra for the Pheatius Dragon Standard Flow.

It seems that you can't watch a 6 month old YouTube video and know what you will get. They are continuously improving their process.