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Bambu Lab AMS Lite Rotary Spool Holder?


Well-known member

As we know Filament Management is key for reliable Multi Color / Material 3D Printing using an ERCF ( or any form of MMU ) which is why everyone and their Grandmothers Pooch have an opinion on what solution is best.
  • Doing Nothing ( aka Thoughts and Prayers )
  • Buffers
  • Passive Rewinders
  • Active Rewinders
Having recently seen another AMS Lite Video I've come to notice it seemingly working like my current Passive Rewinder System which got me thinking if - since the Rotary Spool Holders can be purchased as a Spare - one cannot simply build upon them? From my understanding the entire Rewinding Mechanism is entirely non motorized ( as there aren't any Motors inside the main structure - Just the two Axles the Spool Holders are being mounted to ) which means it must have a Spring and Clutch Mechanism of some sorts ( like what I'm currently using ) where the Spring gets put under tension as the Filament is being pulled in until the Spring can no longer give at which point the Clutch will take over. Once the Filament is being returned the Clutch will immediately stop and the Spring will start to relax again.

Question though is... How many rotations of a Spool can the Spring pick up before the Clutch takes over? The AMS Lite's Mixer sits essentially on top of the Tool Head so technically there's not a whole lot of retraction required ( maybe 10cm ) which is not enough for most ( if ANY ) ERCF setup where Bowden Tubes are usually in the 80-120cm range.

So yea... Anyone with information how many 360° Rotations of a Spool the Spring of an AMS Lite Rotary Spool Holder can take before the Clutch takes over? ( assuming there IS a Spring and Clutch in those )