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Deanodizing Z-Idlers


Well-known member
Trying my hand at de-anodization today. I’ve got some Chaoticlabs CNC Z-Idlers that come in black and red but I don’t want those colors so I’m going to try taking it off.
I’ve got:
  • 1 bucket of water for the lye
  • 1 bucket of water with baking soda to wash it
  • 1 jar of 99% lye
  • Gloves
  • Goggles
  • Titanium backer mixing stick 😅 I might find something else to use before I start….
  • A t-shirt to cover my face…
I guess the first step is disassembly…

Ran into my first issue pretty quickly…. These bolts are very low profile. I might not be able to get them out!!c
Anyone know what kind of tool I’ll need?
None of my sockets fit and none of my needle nose pliers can seem to get in there….

OK, disassembled!!
Can’t lie, I’m a little worried about those bearings in the dials… hopefully going nuts with lubricant when done will save them. If not, is what it is…
Edit, going to use an old printed extrusion as a mixing stick 😁

Sesame Street Idk GIF

Nope..I’,m good with how they look after 5-10 minutes
I seem to be able to wipe off any excess….
going to pull out the dremel and start polishing….
Wish I would’ve printed that Dremel Station…..

Polishing did absolutely nothing....
I guess I'd better get a proper kit (and take some lessons) because the bonus bits that I have don't do the job.
Until then, gonna get my Z-Idlers installed.
Noticed that my kit didn't come with any of the fasteners, which is ok, because I'll be able to use the ones already installed, if I'm lucky.
Always had a love/hate relationship with ChaoticLabs....
Also, doesn't come with any pulleys. I don't like that idea... Hopefully my current pulleys will work fine...
Hopefully this fixes my issues with QGL…
That way, I can go back to printing the rest of the mods I need to finish my EBB 2209 USB setup…

They aren't too bad. I may polish only the dial and/or pulley mounts.
Accuracy is bananas too!!
I mean, this only happened one time, but it was a damned good time!!!

Screenshot 2024-10-12 234415.png
I just purchased the whole cnc kit from them, just to replace the printed parts the previous owner produced, badly.
I am hoping for some improvements too, like those accuracies you showed. Also hoping the belts will stay tuned better and that those loose screws in the z link blocks to the rail carriage are not falling out over time.
I see you also use the cartographer, which I also purchased with the cnc kit. Might soon be back asking for help ;)
I will switch over my machine with these parts and hope to have a running printer all the time while doing these things step by step. Don't want to be without a printer again for 3 weeks, like last time o_O
I had problems wiring cartographer at first. But I think the newer versions come with a better cabling solution. I may have had a "too many retries" error with my QGL once or twice. The CNC idlers are really nice!
The cnc kit just arrived and to be honest the quality surpassed my expectations and it is all packed as if they are jewels. Cannot fit them immediately because daughter wants me to print a wool winder first 😬
Turns out getting the Acid to do the Anodising in the UK is near impossible :( so i may end up having to pay someone todo it for me instead.
There are people with small companies who do this, they might sell you the chemicals to do it yourself if you explain to them what it is you want to do. I haven't lived in the UK for over 14 years now but the owner of my workshop that I rented did his own blacking and other chemical coatings. It is a while back but worth searching for rather than pay somebody to do all the fun stuff and through the nose as well.