Titus A Duxass
New member
Greetings all,
I'm trying to get the EBB SB2209 setup completed but the BTT documentation has me , as usual, somewhat discombulated.
I'm upto page 30 compile the firmware, paragraph 3 tells you to download the newly generated klipper.bin to your computer - now what do we do with the newly generated klipper.bin!
Do we rename it to firmware.bin and reflash?
At present when I go to ~/CanBoot/scripts and python3 flash_can.py -i can0 -q it gives me an OSError: [Errno 19] No such device
The EBB board green LED is in a steady on state, and the red LED is blinking @ circa 1hz
I'm trying to get the EBB SB2209 setup completed but the BTT documentation has me , as usual, somewhat discombulated.
I'm upto page 30 compile the firmware, paragraph 3 tells you to download the newly generated klipper.bin to your computer - now what do we do with the newly generated klipper.bin!
Do we rename it to firmware.bin and reflash?
At present when I go to ~/CanBoot/scripts and python3 flash_can.py -i can0 -q it gives me an OSError: [Errno 19] No such device
The EBB board green LED is in a steady on state, and the red LED is blinking @ circa 1hz