I am in the process of trying to figure this out too and so far it looks like:
Legs, Power inlet, skirts and display mount
Electronic mounts
3010 fan mount to cool the electronics
Remove 5v converter if moving using skr pico vs skr e3
Whole new toolhead and xmount.
Front Idlers (if you want to lock the top)
x and y end stop switches remove if going sensorless.
z end stop on bottom and remove the one from the top.
drag chain is mounted differently
top hat pieces.
rear panel mounts if going to split rear panel.
bottom panel mounts if mounting a bottom panel.
The AB motor mounts and tension parts are different and I need to measure but I am hoping that I will be able to use my existing ones and I think the critical dimensions and interfaces with the frame/tophat are the same.?
In some ways it seems like the the 0.1 -> 0.2 upgrade is modular and you can pick and choose what to incorporate (or not) based on your priorities.