After I put together skirts, re-cable and wire, panel and stuff.
The printer behaves strangely. I also had some octoprint plugins enabled too though.
ie: Arc welder, thermal runaway, better graph, better time lapse, etc.
Just to test the boot time that I had a problem with before. And this time only activate them one by one.
Just to see if it didn't affect the boot time.
1. The print couldn't finish. It prints a few min and stops and moves away just a little mm and hold.
Then klipper alert error like too many requests or something.
I had been scratching my head for hours til I realized it may be the timelapse that caused it.
So I turned it off and now it can finish printing the 1st layer calibration.
2. MCU shutdown M112. What ta heck...
While I'm trying to fix the 1st layer issue after I solve the above so I can finish the print.
Klipper just shut down randomly...
Another long scratching head.....
Til I turned off the thermal runaway.
Coz during the fixing I have a filament extrude issue. I have to run heat the hotend to test.
Or run QGL, etc.. But it keeps shutting down.
3. Purge bucket won't purge instead retract the filament out of the toolhead.
I have been printing all the skirts and everything was fine before.
With my print_start that includes the purge line then prime then actual print.
It works perfectly until this.
So I don't wanna scratch more of my head getting bald. I just comment on the purge bucket for now.
Keep only prime.
4. Nozzle clog.
While investigating what happened with the above (3) issue I thought something wrong with the CW2 extrusion.
So I tried many ways to prove it. Manually push the filament, with the heat on, adjust the gear, etc...
I don't know what I've done it clogs the nozzle.
I realize this when I used the needle to push through the hole while hot for a long time till I got the big clog off.
It's just like your ear wax hahaha.
After all this mess I decided to take this opportunity to move my bed forward 5mm.
So my Z endstop and brush could move forward a bit. This gave me peace of mind when Z home or brushed the nozzle.
Previously it was just too close to the edge of sexbolt.
Redo the sensorless homing XY once again to make sure nothing is off.
Now I think I need to relax and had some fun.
So I decided to go for Benchy!!!
My 1st try with normal temp I use with normal speed. It failed.
Then try 225C I thought It was very fast moving already. But it is still 36 min including heating time.
The print quality was not very good. I really admire those under 10mins and produce better quality.
My last try for the day at 265C and crank some speed and acceleration.
And had everything heated up and ready before print. 25+ min.
Hahaha that's fun and my daughter has more toys to play. She was also happy.