I think it´s time to start my build log...
As a father-and-son project I recently started building my 350mm 2.4r2 direct drive.
It will be completely self sourced.
I see the project as a mid-term project. We have set a deadline from now + 6 months.
I already have some experience in 3d printing things, but never built a printer before.
My actual work horse printer is my slightly modified Ender 3 which is printing the functional ABS parts for the Voron at the moment.
I´m a DIY enthusiast and electronics technician and that´s why I want to do all the wiring and crimping and soldering by myself.
I also want to keep track of the costs, including shipping and energy/ filament costs. I want to know a final result for that.
I´m thinking of this setup:
* Umbilical cord with ebb36 / only slim Z drag chain
* Octopus board
* E3D V6 Hotend
* Physical switches for end stops
* 5" Touch instead of mini
* tbc...
I will post updates regularly, but maybe not very frequently.
Please let me know If you see I´m doing anything wrong.
Cheers, Jörg
Here some pics of my work horse printing the Voron parts.

I think it´s time to start my build log...
As a father-and-son project I recently started building my 350mm 2.4r2 direct drive.
It will be completely self sourced.
I see the project as a mid-term project. We have set a deadline from now + 6 months.
I already have some experience in 3d printing things, but never built a printer before.
My actual work horse printer is my slightly modified Ender 3 which is printing the functional ABS parts for the Voron at the moment.
I´m a DIY enthusiast and electronics technician and that´s why I want to do all the wiring and crimping and soldering by myself.
I also want to keep track of the costs, including shipping and energy/ filament costs. I want to know a final result for that.
I´m thinking of this setup:
* Umbilical cord with ebb36 / only slim Z drag chain
* Octopus board
* E3D V6 Hotend
* Physical switches for end stops
* 5" Touch instead of mini
* tbc...
I will post updates regularly, but maybe not very frequently.
Please let me know If you see I´m doing anything wrong.
Cheers, Jörg
Here some pics of my work horse printing the Voron parts.