I ran into a couple of issues. Thankfully, they are sorted.
X, Y homing had stopped working. The toolhead would try to move and make a grinding sound. I eliminated the potential software issues by rechecking the X, Y stepper printer configuration and the trying to tune the sensorless homing again. It seemed like a hardware issue. However, I couldn’t figure out what it was. I swapped the motor drivers and pushed all the connectors in once again. I pulled out 4 pin 2.54 mm-Dupont connector from the MCU to test the motor coil resistance. It was then I spotted the issue. One of the tabs holding the 4 pins in Dupont connector housing was broken causing the pin to slip out. I swapped the housing and it was back to normal.

II have created a pretty basic PRINT_START and PRINT_STOP macros using some configuration files that I found on the Internet as a reference. The pseudo code is as follows.
After scratching the PEI coating on one side of the build plate, I came to the realisation that I should not have skipped the Z calibration step during the Initial Startup Checks. I had a made a mistake thinking that Z offset would somehow get automagically set for the Voron TAP. I ran the PROBE_CALIBRATE with a paper to set the z_offset. z_offset is now set to -0.600.
The print is still not perfect as my PLA filament seems to have absorbed moisture and there are strings forming all over the print. But, slowing getting there.
Next is to do the secondary printer tuning and filament tuning before I print the non-functional parts to enclose the printer and
X, Y homing had stopped working. The toolhead would try to move and make a grinding sound. I eliminated the potential software issues by rechecking the X, Y stepper printer configuration and the trying to tune the sensorless homing again. It seemed like a hardware issue. However, I couldn’t figure out what it was. I swapped the motor drivers and pushed all the connectors in once again. I pulled out 4 pin 2.54 mm-Dupont connector from the MCU to test the motor coil resistance. It was then I spotted the issue. One of the tabs holding the 4 pins in Dupont connector housing was broken causing the pin to slip out. I swapped the housing and it was back to normal.

II have created a pretty basic PRINT_START and PRINT_STOP macros using some configuration files that I found on the Internet as a reference. The pseudo code is as follows.
- Set bed temperature and wait
- Wait 3 min for reaching thermal stability
- Home all axes if not homed
- Level bed using Z tilt if not done
- Set extruder temperature and wait
- Move away from print
- Reset extruder
- Move away from print
- Reset extruder
- Turn off heater
- Park center rear
- Disable motor
After scratching the PEI coating on one side of the build plate, I came to the realisation that I should not have skipped the Z calibration step during the Initial Startup Checks. I had a made a mistake thinking that Z offset would somehow get automagically set for the Voron TAP. I ran the PROBE_CALIBRATE with a paper to set the z_offset. z_offset is now set to -0.600.
The print is still not perfect as my PLA filament seems to have absorbed moisture and there are strings forming all over the print. But, slowing getting there.
Next is to do the secondary printer tuning and filament tuning before I print the non-functional parts to enclose the printer and