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Self sourced v0.2


Active member
Triden 350 (https://forum.vorondesign.com/threads/self-sourced-trident-350-build.1246/page-2) is ready, so now is time for v0.2. I have most of parts, waiting for frame, and just started print printed parts.
What is planned:
  1. mostly black - printed from Fiberlogy ABS color ONYX
  2. hotend - Rapido 2 plus UHF
  3. control board BTT pico
  4. BTT Pi
  5. display BTT TFT35
  6. carbon gantry
  7. dragon burner
  8. extruder m4
  9. all rails from hiwin
  10. LDO steppers
  11. CAN
  12. kirigamii
Who know what else/more :D


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Time to start assembling. Mobus m4 :)


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You are on a voron builds roll. Looking forward to this. However why did you choose to build a V0 after building a trident. Do share how btt tft35 functions after your hit and miss with other btt display during your trident build
Two reasons. Now I have Creality K1 wich I want to sell, as I want to hav epronter wich I know from a to z and I can modding. In this case - when I sell K1 - is alwas good to have pronter to print spare parts for second printer, if something goes worng, or you miss/borke someting on tuning. Many times also, V0 is enought to pront. Not alwas I will need so shuge bed. Many time 120x120 will be fine. An I think, v0 is so pritty;)
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A lot of work, illness, a lot of work and once again a lot of work and v0 was on hold for a while, but I'm back to work :)


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And little more :) I deciade to use MF nano, not nevermore, becouse of size. Also I decide to change hotend to Dragon Ace, becousew it's smaller than Rapido UHF and I can use Dragon Burner instand of Rapid Burner - from my poin of view, Dragon Burner looks much better in v0.


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