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VORON Design

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Starting from Scrap Outside Detroit

Hi all!

I’m super excited to be on this ride with everyone! I am working on a 350 from as much as I can around the house.

This will be my 3rd printer, following a Toybox my Kids got for Christmas which is where I caught the bug and an Anycubic Photon 4K.

I have had an Inventables X-Carve for a few years though, and it’s helping me along.

I’m super excited for this first mod I made today. I had a bunch of 80/20 laying around but with a 5.3mm gap and not the recommended 6mm.

As a way to counter that and ensure the rails are perfectly center I milled these t-slots from some scrap aluminum flat bar that line up perfectly with the rails and the extrusion!
